Circles in a Circle Out of stock

  • Art

24.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Circles in a Circle Out of stock

  • Art

24.00 BGN (incl. VAT)

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky Created: 1923 Dimensions (cm): 98.7 x 95.6 Format: Oil on canvas Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art In Circles in a Circle, Kandinsky combines geometric forms and subtle colour harmonies to create a sparkling, abstract composition. Like much of this revolutionary artist's work, the modern feel of the painting makes it hard to believe it was completed as early as 1923. Designed in collaboration with the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In an entry for a 1950 collection catalogue of the Société Anonyme, the artist Marcel Duchamp wrote: “In tracing his lines with ruler and compass, Kandinsky opened to the spectator a new way of looking at painting . . . a clear transfer of thought on canvas. This has been the real contribution of Kandinsky towards a conception of esthetics.” These laudatory words easily apply to Circles in a Circle, in which geometric forms and subtle colour harmonies combine to make an effervescent, abstract composition. Through the Société Anonyme, an art organization led by American collector Katherine Dreier and designed to generate awareness of modern art, Duchamp helped to secure Kandinsky’s first solo exhibition in this country. - Philadelphia Museum of Art 80% Combed Cotton, 17% Polyamide, 3% Elastane. Made in Portugal using the most advanced craftsmanship to produce the finest seamless socks.


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